Geomagnetic Attitude Control of Satellites Using Generalized Multiple Scales

Autor: Tiauw Hiong Go, Rudrapatna V. Ramnath
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 20:690-698
ISSN: 1533-3884
Popis: The dynamics of single- and dual-spin satellites utilizing geomagnetic attitude control with specie c control laws are analyzed. Stability criteria and approximate descriptions of the motion of the satellite are obtained in an analytical parametric form using the generalized multiple scales method. By means of this method, the rapid and slow parts of the dynamics are systematically separated, leading to insight into the nature of the system. Finally, a good agreement between the analytical approximations and numerical solutions is demonstrated. HE techniques of controlling the attitude of a satellite by using the interaction between the satellite and the environmental magnetic e eld are attractive because they eliminate the need for the control propellant, which usually limits the lifetime of a satellite. The control torque can be generated by passing electric currents through a coil; the currents then produce a magnetic dipole. The desired control torque is then generated by the interaction of this magnetic dipole with the geomagnetic e eld. Such a simple generation of control torques results in enhanced system reliability. Themajorchallengesinthemagneticattitudecontrolforsatellites are the development of the control law and the prediction of the performance of the system under the specie c control law. Even though the concept of the magnetic attitude control itself is relatively simple, the resulting dynamic equations of the satellite system utilizing this type of control are quite complicated due to the varying magnitude of the geomagnetic e eld experienced by the satellite from time to time in its orbit. In general, this necessitates the analysis of the system equations with time-varying coefe cients.
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