New Offshore Medical Evacuation Strategy Using Intervention Vessels

Autor: M.. Ecoffet, J.. Castello, C.. Brisquet, S.. Degraeve, Gerald Steenman, J. M. Courandier, F.. Farge, S. X. Racine
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Day 2 Tue, April 17, 2018.
Popis: Mid 2016, the local Angolan aerial transportation company, faced difficulties in order to assume offshore transportation services by helicopters from Luanda (Angola). The main cause was the grounding of their Airbus EC 225 Super Puma helicopters which constituted the most important part of their air fleet (due to an accident in Norway the 29th April 2016 leading to 13 fatalities). One of the consequences was the uncertainty for the local aerial transportation company to provide emergency flights in case of medical evacuation. In 2015 and 2016, the operator carried out respectively 11 and 9 medical evacuations (MEDEVAC) and 159 and 164 sanitary evacuations (SANEVAC). To maintain an efficient and safe medical evacuation service to offshore workers, TOTAL E&P Angola hereinafter referred as TEPA (which operates the block 17 and the block 32) decided to implement a new MEDEVAC strategy based on Fast Supply Intervention Vessels (FSIVs). The block 17 comprises 4 FPSOs with one Medic on board of each and one medical specialized doctor for the whole block. The block 32 is under installation project and one medical doctor was deployed in January 2017 for this block. The whole offshore population is around 2500 persons. For medical evacuations, a new strategy was put in place addressing the following points and to define: The medical equipments and workforce with a capacity to treat two patients including if they must be resuscitated, The technical specificities of the FSIVs and in particular to take into account the speed, the number of beds, the spaciousness and the comfort for the patient, A specific organization. Using a prepositioned offshore comprehensive medical team and dedicated medicalized FSIVs, TEPA put in place a MEDEVAC strategy which can replace the transfers previously based on helicopter flights. If the overall transportation time is slightly increased comparing with helicopter, the implementation of relevant compensatory measures provides an acceptable and similar level of quality and efficiency. In addition, medical acts are easier onboard a vessel comparing with a helicopter. This organization was started mid 2016 for the block 17 and duplicated in January 2017 for the block 32.
Databáze: OpenAIRE