Classification of Second Order Painlevé Type Equations Under the Mei Symmetrical Transformations

Autor: Haseeb Ur Rehman, Tooba Feroze
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.21203/
Popis: Ince provided fifty second-order ordinary differential equations of Painlevé type. In this paper, the Mei symmetries correspond to the Lagrangian of the Painlevé-Gambier classification are investigated as well as the Mei invariants along with their respective gauge functions. On the basis of the number of Mei symmetries , these equations are classified. The existence of Mei symmetries can be correlated with the autonomous and non-autonomous properties of ordinary differential equations of Painlevé type. MSC (2020). 76M60; 22E70; 35A30; 58J70
Databáze: OpenAIRE