Patient Adherence to Oral Anticancer Agents

Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Purpose: The aim of the study was to measure the adherence to oral anticancer treatments in cancer patients using the Modified Morisky Scale (Modified Medication Adherence Scale-6, MMAS-6) which has been shown to be valid and reliable in Turkish.Methods: This study was an observational, single-center study involving 300 cancer patients using various oral anticancer agents admitted to our outpatient clinic. Motivation and knowledge scores were calculated according to the MMAS-6.Results: 71.3% of the patients had high motivation level, 28.7% had low motivation level, 68.7% had high knowledge level and 31.3% of the patients had low level of knowledge. The motivation and knowledge levels of the population under 65 years of age were found to be significantly higher than the geriatric population (≥ 65 years old) (p< 0.003 and p0.05). In addition, the duration of drug use >12 months and the cyclical use of drugs were also found to be significantly associated with increased motivation and knowledge levels.Conclusion: Identifying adherence and related factors, informing patients in detail about the efficacy and toxicity of treatments are the simplest and most basic methods. Particular attention should be paid to patients aged >65 years, patients with a low level of education and patients in the earlier stages of their treatments.
Databáze: OpenAIRE