Two-Link Robot Through Strong and Stable Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller

Autor: Ahmed Hammoudi, Dina Al-hadithy
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: DeSE
DOI: 10.1109/dese51703.2020.9450762
Popis: The key objective of the current study to minimize the controller gains to the low possible level which leads to reduce control effort for the system and attenuates the chattering motion in the system performance as a result. To realize this objective, the Strong and Stable Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller (SS-ASMC) is adopted for controlling the 2-link robot system. The parameters uncertainty, disturbance, and Coulomb friction are taken into consideration the cause of their inversely affecting the 2-link robot performance. For this reason, a robust controller, such as SS-ASMC, is utilizing to overcome and control these undesired situations. Two control types of SMC have been utilized to control the position and velocity of the 2-link robot; Classical Sliding Mode Controller (CSMC) and SS-ASMC. Despite the existing parameters uncertainty, disturbance, and Coulomb friction, the CSMC, and SS-ASMC can be applied successfully to gain good tracking for the desired position of each joint and stabilizing the robot manipulator. These two controllers can make the 2-link robot asymptotically stable by forcing the error and the derivative of the error to approach zero in the final trajectory. The simulation outcomes are performing by employing MATLAB 2019a/ Simulink. These simulation outcomes show that SS-ASMC is out-perform the CSMC because the controller gain of the SS-ASMC is smaller than CSMC gains, and as a result, the magnitude of the chattering (zigzag motion) of the SS-ASMC is smaller than that of the CSMC. The chattering is considered as a severe problem in designing SMC. Therefore, attenuating the chattering is a very important task in the design and application of the SMC.
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