Autor: Andrew C. Coyne, Lee Hyer, William E. Reichman, Bindu Shanmugham
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Journal of Clinical Geropsychology. 7:67-77
ISSN: 1079-9362
Popis: Studies in nursing homes have consistently shown the presence of mental health disorders. We assessed 300 nursing home residents (referred for psychological testing) to provide preliminary data on referral patterns, assess the cognitive and affective patterns of residents with different diagnoses, and present psychometric data on depression measures, including the Beck Depression Scale (BDI) (as a bivariate index) and the Mood Scale (a shortened version of the Geriatric Depression Scale). Results show that the referrals involved a compromised group of residents, both cognitively and affectively. Despite obvious mean differences, a MANOVA revealed that Major Depressive Disorder did not differ significantly from the Adjustment Disorder and Dementia groups on the bivariate BDI and Mood Scale; the dementia group was lower than the depression and adjustment groups on the MMSE. Patterns on depression inventories also identified a correct classification score of 4 on the BDI (89%) and 3 on the Mood Scale (79%). Discussion endorsed use of the bivariate BDI and addressed depression in these facilities.
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