Amebic Liver Abscess in Children: Clinical and Epidemiologic Features

Autor: H. Robert Harrison, C. Peter Crowe, Vincent A. Fulginiti
Rok vydání: 1979
Zdroj: Pediatrics. 64:923-928
ISSN: 1098-4275
Popis: Amebiasis, that is, infection with Entameba histolytica, continues to be endemic in the United States, with liver abscess occurring as an infrequent but constant complication. Seven cases are reported, with epidemiologic investigation of two. Reliable findings in hepatic abscess include fever, abdominal pain, respiratory distress, tender abdomen, and large, tender liver. Anemia, elevated white count with left shift, and the radiographic findings of an elevated right hemidiaphragm are constant. Epidemiologically, amebiasis occurs in clusters in the United States with person-to-person transmission pre-dominant in spread. Infection is associated with poor sanitation and crowding. Investigation of the families of two patients documented 9/21 carriers and an additional 3/21 who were seropositive, as well as crowding and poor sanitation. In this country, treatment of a patient with amebic disease should include investigation of his home and family.
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