Non-Covalently Solid-Phase Bound Catalysts for Organic Synthesis

Autor: Joachim Horn, C. Christoph Tzschucke, Florian Michalek, Willi Bannwarth
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Immobilized Catalysts ISBN: 9783540209157
Popis: Catalysts immobilized on solid supports have become valuable tools for simplified product isolation and catalyst recycling. An alternative to covalent attachment to a solid support is to immobilize catalysts by non-covalent bonding through hydrogen bridges, or ionic, hydrophobic or fluorous interactions. Compared to covalent attachment, such non-covalent approaches increase the flexibility in the choice of the support material, reaction conditions and work-up strategies. Numerous catalytic reactions employing one of these non-covalent bonding strategies have meanwhile appeared in the literature. Open image in new window
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