The Battle of Springfield

Autor: John R. Kelso
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: John Russell Kelso is here giving an account of the Battle of Springfield that occurred on January 8, 1863. On the morning of January 5, Kelso and Capt. Milton A. Burch started in command of 200 men intending to make a more extensive expedition than usual into Arkansas. On that day, they reached Beaver Station. Their fellow Union soldiers captured a small party of rebels who claimed to be the advance look-outs of Brig. Gen. John S. Marmaduke's army. Brig. Gen. Egbert B. Brown was in command of the Union forces. About the close of January, Kelso and his men marched to Forsythe before proceeding to Linden, 15 miles southeast of Springfield. They then returned to Springfield where they remained until the early part of May. While in Springfield, Kelso's regiment was broken up and incorporated with the 8 Reg. M. S. M. Cavalry. At Springfield, Kelso bought a little house for his family.
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