Case Report: Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome in a cancer patient using ZoladexTM

Autor: Paolla Giovanna Rossito de Magalhães, Marina Buldrini Filogonio Seraidarian, Bernardo Tardin Caetano, Barbara Oliveira Paixão, Tassila Oliveira Nery de Freitas, Daniel Vasconcelos de Pinho Tavares, Gabriella Braga da Cunha Silva, Rodrigo Santiago Gomez, Maira Cardoso Aspahan, Breno Franco Silveira Fernandes, Felipe Padovani Trivelato
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: São Paulo Medical Journal.
DOI: 10.5327/1516-3180.142
Popis: Context: The Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome (SVCR) is characterized by rapid and reversible vasoconstriction and segmental dilation of cerebral arteries, usually preceded by thunderclap headache. The involvement of second and third-order branches of the cerebral arteries is the most commom finding in a cerebral angiography. This report is about a SVCR case with atypical involvement, significantly compromising extracranial vessels and raising the hypothesis of association between the use of hormonal blocker gosserelin acetate (ZoladexTM) with SVCR. Case report: Female, 39 years old, with breast cancer and bone metastasis using ZoladexTM that presented with a sudden headache and vomiting, progressing to global afasia and paresis in the right upper limb. Magnetic resonance identified hyperacute intraparenchymal hematoma in left frontoparietal convexity and subarachnoid haemorrhage. Cerebral angiography showed irregularities in the distal branches (M3 and M4) of the middle cerebral arteries, as well as in the superficial temporal artery, characterized by focal strictures. Conclusion: Studies show that hormonal fluctuations in the postpartum period can trigger SVCR due to the drop in estrogen and progesterone (gonadotropins). During postpartum, the stimulus of breastfeeding increases prolactin levels leading to GnRH suppression, which decreases the level of gonadotropins. ZoladexTM is a GnRH analogue and its chronic administration results in suppression of these hormones - similar to the postpartum period. Therefore, there may be an association of hormonal blockers with SVCR.
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