The Short Term Prospective Model, the Illusion of Time, and the Tabula Rasa Child

Autor: Solveig C. Wenar, Charles Wenar
Rok vydání: 1963
Zdroj: Child Development. 34:697
ISSN: 0009-3920
DOI: 10.2307/1126763
Popis: In recent article, Bell (2) advocates the use of "short term prospective studies" as a corrective for some of the deficiencies inherent in an exclusive reliance upon retrospective and longitudinal studies. The present authors will discuss this model further, both in terms of its advantages as a research strategy and in terms of practical considerations. By a short term prospective study we mean one which includes two or more evaluations of behavior on the same population over a relatively short period of time. We intend to show that this model is a powerful one, not because it yields more of the same kind of information obtained from a single evaluation of behavior, but because it furnishes different kinds of uniquely important information. First, in comparison with the one timesample study, it enables the investigator to make statements about change on the basis of independent assessments of antecedent and consequent behavior. The incorporation of time into the research procedure replaces the illusion of time created by retrospective studies. The second advantage over the one time-sample study is the model's versatility in revealing direction of influence in research on interpersonal interaction. Thus, in studies of socialization, it allows for the possibility that the adult influences the child, the adult has no influence on the child, and the child influences the adult. This is in marked contrast to many socialization studies which regard the child as a tabula rasa waiting to be inscribed with adult attitudes and childrearing practices. Finally, in comparison with the longitudinal approach, the model can be more salient, flexible, and relevant to the current status of research in the field (i). In the following sections we will first discuss certain practical considerations relevant to using the short term prospective model and then turn to methodological considerations. Most of the discussion will be in terms of research on personality development and socialization, although the model is not limited to these areas. In the following sections, the "longitudinal approach" is arbitrarily defined as research which spans infancy to early adulthood.
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