Innovative potential on the regions of the Central Federal District: assessment of the main tendencies and prospects for future development

Autor: E. V. Emelyanova, N. V. Kharchikova
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Russian Journal of Industrial Economics. 12:443-454
ISSN: 2413-662X
Popis: Actuality of the innovational potential formation of the regions was revealed in the article. Problems of the innovational development of regions of the Central Federal District were emphasized. Volume indexes of goods, works, services, charges for innovations were distinguished. Reasons for differences in the innovational activity indexes of the regions were estimated. The leading regions were shown, and the dynamic of index changes were presented as well. On the basis of the performed analysis it was revealed, that both objective factors, that are connected with geographic locations, source of raw materials, operation of large enterprises, and subjective factors, such as investment volume, budget volume and structure, politics, realized by local government make great impact on the innovational development of the regions. Statistical evaluation of the innovational activity of the Central Federal District regions was given in the article as well. Differentiation analysis and analysis of imbalance degree in the structure of total volume of innovational goods, works and services were estimated with the help of integral coefficient of K. Gatev and Salai index. Evaluation method of regional innovation activity is based on the comparison of the innovation activity of the organizations in each region with the same index overall the Russian Federation. Constituent members of the Central Federal District were grouped on the basis of aggregate index of innovation activity. It was revealed, that the aggregate index of innovational activity in Bryansk Region decreased in 2017 and the region transferred into the group with lower bound of this index. Belgorod Region and Moscow Region improved their performance, transferring into the group with maximal bound of the index. Also directions of activation and perfection of innovational sphere of the region were suggested in the research.
Databáze: OpenAIRE