Standardization of digital technologies of simulator systems as a method of ensuring reliability of conditions of service of power engineering facilities (part 2)

Autor: I. Sh. Zagredtinov, Ye. N. Arkhipova, S. V. Mishcheryakov, S. I. Magid, V. L. Samoylov
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Safety and Reliability of Power Industry. 13:17-28
ISSN: 2542-2057
Popis: Issues are considered of normalization of digital training simulator systems to ensure the reliability of conditions for maintenance of electric power industry facilities. The reasons are identified of impossibility of achievement of the basic purpose of the first and subsequent standard documents, namely the unity of the structure and functions of engineering systems and means for training of personnel of power enterprises, power systems and associations. It is shown that the question - problem - hypothesis - analytical model - imitation model gnoseological chain defines both the structure and the essence of modern methodology of systemic imitation simulation of power facilities. At the same time, the most important modern methodological prerequisites for modeling are the probabilistic- statistical approach and multi-criteria optimization. Issues of analytical simulation, systemic concept, simulation in destabilization conditions, as well as systemic paradoxes of facility simulation are described in sufficient detail. The basic principles of systemic approach to construction of an all-mode real-time model, levels of its detailing and models of objects of control applied in practice are stated. At the same time, a great attention is paid to the physical-statistical approach to identification of simulation models, their verification and validation. A modern scientific classification of models, principles of their simplification is stated. On the basis of the stipulated positions it is stated that the approach to construction of an all-mode real-time model consists in separation of static and dynamic simulation functions with directional asymmetry of accuracy of separated functions. To generalize the aforesaid, an obvious conclusion is drawn that the previously adopted standards only defined requirements to a finished product and its subsystems, whereas the questions of methodology of working out a model and its digital (program) implementation were not considered at all. It therefore appears necessary to develop a new normative methodological document, in which the possibility of disclosing the purpose of its development should be provided, namely: assuring the unity of the methodology of development of the structure and functions of digital technological systems for training the personnel of power industry enterprises.
Databáze: OpenAIRE