Determinants of Economic Growth in Organization of Islamic Cooperation with Governance Index as a Moderating Variable

Autor: Student Uin Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Akmal Ihsan
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Economics, Finance And Management Studies.
ISSN: 2644-0504
DOI: 10.47191/jefms/v4-i8-16
Popis: This study seeks to explore and investigate the influence of foreign direct investment, remittances, and trade openness on economic growth in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation with governance index as a moderating variable in 2005-2019. Moderated Regression Analysis analysis is used to analyze governance index variables. The use of Generalized Least Square and Generalized Method of Moments is used to determine which method is best. Sargant level of significance and value showed GMM more precisely in this study. The results of statistical testing show that all independent variables have a significant positive influence on economic growth except foreign direct investment which has a significant negative influence. This negative influence is due to the instability of investment flows. In addition, governance index can moderate foreign direct investment, remittances, and trade openness in its influence on economic growth.Thus, it can be concluded that to increase economic growth, the need for good governance index so that economic growth in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation is increasing.
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