Design description and performance analyses of the European HCPB test blanket system in ITER feat

Autor: I. Schmuck, S. Gordeev, S. Hermsmeyer, Y. Chen, E. Hutter, K Schleisiek, H. Schnauder, K. Kleefeldt, Siegfried Malang, N Bekris, Ulrich Fischer, H. Tsige-Tamirat, Lorenzo Virgilio Boccaccini
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Fusion Engineering and Design. :339-344
ISSN: 0920-3796
DOI: 10.1016/s0920-3796(02)00168-0
Popis: The helium cooled pebble bed (HCPB) blanket is one of the two European DEMO blanket concepts proposed for testing in international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER). The purpose of the tests is to validate the design principles and the operational feasibility for the demonstration blanket system. This includes the basic support functions like tritium extraction, helium cooling and heat transport, and helium purification. In addition, the basic properties and operating characteristics of the system's materials will be validated. Safety, reliability, maintenance and dismantling will be equally addressed. To assess these qualities, the ITER horizontal ports will be used to provide a relevant fusion plasma and the appropriate nuclear environment. At conclusion of the ITER feat EDA phase (July 2001), a revised design of the HCPB test blanket system have been completed to adapt the previous design (for ITER FDR) to the new operational conditions of ITER and to a new strategy for the blanket testing in this reactor. Design description, performance and safety analyses are presented in this paper.
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