Utility of dried serum spots for triglyceride estimation

Autor: D C Reshma, Anuradha Patil
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research. 5:222-225
ISSN: 2394-6377
DOI: 10.18231/2394-6377.2018.0046
Popis: In a developing country like India, screening the population of remote areas for Non Communicable Diseases is difficult because of less availability of infrastructure and technical staff. It is ideal to carry out the analysis in a good quality central laboratory, but the transportation of samples in cold chain is of concern. Dried serum spot technology has various advantages compared to conventional serum analysis, it helps in convenient shipment of samples at low cost without the requirement of cold chain. Problems with leaking and spilling of liquid serum samples will not happen. Stability of analytes will be improved. Serum spot analysis is therefore a convenient method for screening the population presenting with health risks. This study was undertaken to look for stability of triglycerides in serum dried on filter paper at room temperature for different time intervals.100 Samples of Patients coming to the laboratory of KLE Hospital Belgaum were analysed for Triglyceride levels. The remaining serum was spotted onto 3M Whattman filter paper and left at room temperature for an hour for drying. Subsequently dried serum spots were analysed for Triglyceride levels on 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days in a Erba semi autoanalyser using commercially available kit.The comparable values obtained from dried serum spots makes it a reliable and convenient method for screening modifiable risk factors like Triglyceride levels. Keywords: Dried serum spots, 3M Whatmann filter paper, Screening, Triglyceride estimation
Databáze: OpenAIRE