Optimal discriminating multispectral target detection and optical correlation target tracking

Autor: David P. Casasent, Andrew A. Kostrzewski, Sergey Sandomirsky, Gajendra D. Savant, Anatoly A. Vasiliev, Paul I. Shnitser, Michael A. Piliavin
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.518210
Popis: This paper presents feasibility studies of a multispectral moving target detection (MTD) system designed to detect and track low-signature moving targets. The system performs multispectral detection based on linear and nonlinear optimal discriminating features (ODF) for low-signature target detection and correlation tracking of slowly moving targets in clutter. Multispectral detection was tested against multispectral data from an acousto-optic tunable filter in the visible and near infrared. Optical Joint Transform Correlator for target tracking was designed and manufactured. The feasibility of correlation target tracking was demonstrated with actual Army MICOM FLIR long wavelength infrared (LWIR: 8 to 12 μm) images of moving vehicles and tanks in clutter.
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