Caracterización de la Película Radiocrómica GAFCHROMIC XR-RV2 mediante Densitómetros de Reflexión, de Transmisión y Escáner de Mesa

Autor: J. E. Paz-Viera, M. S. Rochas, N. Lunelli, H. J. Khoury
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: V Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2011 May 16-21, 2011, Habana, Cuba ISBN: 9783642211973
Popis: The aim of this paper is to characterize the response of radiochromic film GAFCHROMIC – RV2 with the radiation dose using a transmission densitometer (McBeth), reflection densitometer (X-Rite) and flatbed scanner HP Scan − jet 3500c. The sensitometric curve relating irradiated film’s Optical Density to the patient absorbed Dose is obtained. This curve can be later employed to have an estimate of the absorbed dose by the patient undergoing a radiological procedure. Finally, the precision of the curve is investigated by simulating real cases. Results of this test show how obtaining the Optical Density values by means of scanner, although a more complex procedure, gives more precise results (less than 4%) than by means of densitometers employed (up to 20%).
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