Conformations of 1-heptene secondary ozonide as studied by low temperature FT-IR spectroscopy

Autor: Justinas Ceponkus, Valdas Sablinskas, Ruta Bariseviciute, L. Kimtys
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Journal of Molecular Structure. :186-192
ISSN: 0022-2860
Popis: Conformational diversity of the 1-heptene secondary ozonides (SOZ) in solid neat films as well as isolated in Ar or CO2 matrices was studied by the means of FT-IR absorption spectroscopy. The ozonization reaction was performed at 77 K in the neat films of the reactants. The spectra of the ozonide were analyzed by combining the experimental data with the results of theoretical calculations performed at B3LYP 6-311++G (3df, 3pd) level. It was found that the samples of 1-heptene secondary ozonide exist as a mixture of three dominating conformers. The most stable conformer is the one with O–O half-chair configuration of the five membered ring, the aliphatic radical attached to the ring in equatorial position and the aliphatic chain being in gauche (∠OCCC ≈ −60°) position. The other two stable conformers are equatorial with aliphatic chain in anti (∠OCCC ≈ 180°) and gauche (∠OCCC ≈ 60°) positions. It was found from Van’t Hoff plots that ΔH of the equatorial anti conformer is equal to 0.24 ± 0.03 kJ/mol. The experimental value of ΔH is in reasonable accordance to the calculated one – 0.5 kJ/mol.
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