A Fiscal Demography: Toward Demographic Approach to Public Finance

Autor: Artur Walasik
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: The Impact of Globalization on International Finance and Accounting ISBN: 9783319687612
Popis: This paper elucidates public finance on the coopetition model of fiscal policy. The mix of competition and cooperation finds the relation between democracy and market. The conjunction of democracy and market is society and its demography. This paper focuses on the field of public economics where a confluence of public finance and demography is investigated. It is coined a fiscal demography, which its primary goal is to discover demographic reason of fiscal processes and structures. This paper announces fiscal demography sensu stricto as the study restricted to nothing but the influence of demography on public finance and fiscal demography sensu largo where the impact of public finance on demography is added to the field of art. This paper drafts the scope of fiscal demography which considers four relations, respectively, between demographic structure and fiscal process, demographic structure and fiscal structure, demographic process and fiscal process, and demographic process and fiscal structure.
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