Investigation of the low-dose γ-irradiation effect on the spontaneous and high-dose radiation-induced level of cytogenetic damage in mouse bone marrow cells in vivo

Autor: Vladimir Balakin, D.Yu. Klokov, Zaichkina Si, O. M. Rozanova, Aptikaeva Gf, A. Kh. Akhmadieva, Helena Smirnova
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: International Journal of Low Radiation. 2:1
ISSN: 1741-9190
DOI: 10.1504/ijlr.2006.007890
Popis: The effect of low-dose gamma-irradiation (0.1 or 0.2 Gy with a dose rate of 0.125 Gy/min) of mice on the spontaneous and high-dose radiation-induced level of cytogenetic damage during ageing of animals was studied using the micronucleus test. It was shown that a single low dose of gamma-radiation induces a cytogenetic adaptive response in mouse bone marrow cells, which persists for up to 12 months after irradiation; the ability of inducing the adaptive response does not depend on the age of animals at the moment of adapting irradiation; single low-dose γ-irradiation decreases the cytogenetic damage to a level below the spontaneous rate at the end of the lifetime (20 months) of animals. The mechanisms underlying adaptive response not only protect from cytogenetic damage induced by high-dose irradiation but also may play a role during spontaneous mutagenesis.
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