De arrendatarios a condueños: la lucha indígena contra los Llorente en la Huasteca veracruzana durante el Segundo Imperio

Autor: Filiberta Gómez Cruz
Rok vydání: 2015
ISSN: 1665-8973
DOI: 10.25009/urhsc.v0i13.1323
Popis: En este trabajo se abordan las particularidades del proceso de tenencia de la tierra en Santa Maria Ixcatepec, en el antiguo canton de Tantoyuca, Veracruz, donde los indigenas de Veracruz lograron recuperar y mantener en posesion una considerable porcion de territorio durante el Segundo Imperio, traves de tres mecanismos: la posesion, la renta y la compra de la tierra. En un segundo momento, ya en el siglo XX, se revisa la solicitud que hacen los pobladores de Ixcatepec para que les sean dotadas tierras ejidales colindantes con otras que pertenecen aun al conduenazgo formado en el siglo XIX. From Tenants to co-Proprietors: the Indigenous Struggle against the Llorente Family in the Veracruz Huasteca during the Second Empire This article takes up the intricacies of the land tenure process in Santa Maria Ixcatepec, in the ex-canton of Tantoyuca, Veracruz, where the Indian population managed to recover and retain possession of a considerable portion of land during the Second Empire. Their success was due to three mechanisms: simple possession of, the renting of and purchase of land. Taking up a second moment in the 20th century, the text delves into the demands made by these inhabitants in order to obtain ejido land grants of adjacent to property which still belonged to them as remnants of the 19th century co-ownership territory.
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