Konsep Ilmu Menurut Fakhr al-Din al-Razi

Autor: Tistigar Sansayto, Alinda Zakiyatul Fakhiroh
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: KALIMAH. 16
ISSN: 2477-0396
Popis: The concept of science is related to epistemology, because epistemology is the theory of science. The problem in this modern century, discussion o n epistemology suggests a dividing line between science and religion. All science must be empirical in nature, in which brings human understand ing into nihilism, relativism and materialism, which is a milestone in the emergence of seculerism and other issues. Then, what is science according to I slam? What are the basic and primacy of it? How does I slam look at sources of right science? How the way of reaching it? Is there any classification of science in I slam? This paper will attempt to answer and discuss these questions clearly and pithily in Fakhr al-D i n al-R a z i’s perspective. I n this regard, al-R a z i sees that science is an understanding which delivered on the wisdom of anything, no doubt that science on ru > h } , further delivering on perfect happinest. In addition, in his book al-Tafsīr al-Kabīr , Fakhr al-D i n al-R a zi explains that science has a semblance of meaning with 30 other terms i.e. al- I drāk, al- S yu'ūr , al- T as } awwur, al-H } ifz } , al- T a dz akkur, al- Dz ikr, al- M a'rifah, al- F ahm, al- F iqh , al-' A ql , al- D irāyah, al- H} ikmah, 'ain al- Y aqīn, al- Dz ihn, al- F ikr , al- H} ad i>t s, al- Dz akā' , al- F at }a> nah, al- K hāt } ir, al- Z} an, al- T anbīh , al- K hayāl, al- B adīhah, al- A uliyyāt, al -R uwayyah, al- K iyāsah, al- K hibrah, al- R a'yu, al- F irāsah, and al- B ayyinah . From this brief exposure, in tries to discuss the uniqueness of Fakhr al-D i n al-R a zi thought about science concept using two approaches, philosophy and tafsir , to make it more interesting topic .
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