Autor: Muhammad Kashif Chishti, Mazhar Jam, Arslan Raza Wasati, Fcps, Hod, Paed. Surgery, Aimc, Binish Naeem, Yasir Sultan, Arsalan Raza Wasti, Muhammad Riaz-ul-Haq
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: International Journal of Advanced Research. 8:34-41
ISSN: 2320-5407
Popis: Background: Anorectal malformations (ARM) in girls comprise of a wide spectrum of disease ranging from imperforate anus to common cloaca, a complex malformation. Recto-vestibular fistula (RVF) is the commonest ARM in female patients. Many surgical procedures have been mentioned in the literature but trend is changing from staged to single stage procedure. Objectives: To evaluate post operative results of Single Stage Sphincter Sparing Scarless (5S) procedure for RVF. Methods: It is a retrospective case series of 24 patients with RVF who were admitted in the Department of Paediatric Surgery Jinnah Hospital Lahore and the Children Hospital and the Institute of Child Health Multan from October 2018 to September 2019, between 14 days and 4 years of age , underwent single stage sphincter sparing scarless procedure without any colostomy, anterior or posterior midline incision or division of sphincteric complex. Site of neo-anus was marked with the help of muscle stimulator and all surgeries were done under general anesthesia after meticulous gut preparation. Post operatively patients were kept nil per oral for 5 days to avoid wound contamination due to stool. Follow up was done for six months to evaluate outcome. Authors used a new name for single stage procedure. Results: Mean age was 160 days, operative time 78 minutes and hospital stay 6.8 days. 9 (37.5%) patients were diagnosed with some other associated congenital anomalies like congenital heart disease (CHD), renal anomalies, hemisacrum, syndactyly, talipes equino varus(TEV) and Downs syndrome. As a whole 13(24) presented with complication. 4(16.64%) patients presented with constipation, 3(12.5%) excoriation, 2(8.32%) anal stenosis, 2(8.32%) soiling, 1(4.16%) retraction of rectum and 1(4.16%) superficial wound infection. Patient with retraction was planned for re-do surgery, all others were managed conservatively. Conclusion: Single stage sphincter sparing scarless ( 5S) procedure for recto-vestibular fistula is safe, simple and cost effective technique. Patient suffering is minimum, as there is no colostomy, so no multiple surgeries. Complications are minimum and comparable to staged procedure.
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