Free Flow Electrophoresis Module Fabricated with Pyrex Glass

Autor: Etsuo Shinohara, Kyoichi Kano, Hirobumi Suzuki, Nobuyuki Tajima
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Micro Total Analysis Systems ’98 ISBN: 9789401062251
Popis: In this study a free flow electrophoresis (FFE) module was constructed as a preparatory unit of the system to separate DNA from other contaminants in the specimens. The FFE module was made from Pyrex glass to apply high voltages and fabricated on a 4inch glass wafer that is easily processed by the semiconductor fabrication technology. The size of the module was 66x70mm, in which 47x40mm separation bed with 10 or 50 μm deep flow gap was constructed. Six inlets for buffer and one for the specimen at the head part and 30 outlets for collection of separated fractions were built at the tail part. Two gold wire electrodes were fixed to the both edges parallel to its flow direction. Flow of buffer and specimens was observed under a videocamera and all experiments were performed at a flow rate of 10mm/sec. To investigate its function a mixture of genomic DNA, plasmid, albumin and globulin in Tris-Hcl buffer of pH8 was applied to the F.F.E. with 1kv. The genomic DNA and plasmid were recovered from outlets 5&6, albumin from outlets 6&7 and globulin from 7&8.
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