Modelling detonation of H2–O2–N2 mixtures in presence of solid particles in 3D scenarios

Autor: Ahmed Bentaib, R.A. Otón-Martínez, F.J.S. Velasco, Jose Ramon Garcia-Cascales, S. Espín, N. Meynet
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 41:17154-17168
ISSN: 0360-3199
Popis: This work presents a numerical approach for modelling the detonation of H2–O2–N2 mixtures in the presence of reactive solid particles. The model relies on Euler-type equations with one-step Arrhenius chemistry and the inclusion of source terms accounting for interphase transport. A splitting method that uses AUSM+ and Rusanov schemes and the linearisation of source terms are applied to achieve a numerical solution to the problem. Benchmark of numerical simulations against experimental tests with graphite and tungsten particles confirms the efficiency of this engineering approach for obtaining key global variables in accident sequences such as combustion time or pressure history. Due to its simple kinetics, the model is not able to provide a detailed description of the chemistry or the ignition process. The influence of particle concentration and O2 concentration on maximum pressure and combustion time is addressed. Finally, a detonation sequence with dust particles in the ITER reactor vessel is addressed through 3D simulation under lost of vacuum conditions.
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