Comparison of inviscid and viscous computations with an interferometrically measured transonic flow

Autor: P. J. Bryanston-Cross, William N. Dawes
Rok vydání: 1985
Zdroj: AIAA Journal. 23:834-839
ISSN: 1533-385X
DOI: 10.2514/3.8995
Popis: In order to provide an experimental test case for use with the computer simulation of transonic flowfields, the transonic flow around a wedge profile in a wind tunnel has been measured using holographic interferometry. The quantitative detail provided by the interferogram is compared with the numerical predictions of a two dimensional inviscid time-marching method and a two dimensional Navier-Stokes solver. The a priori NavierStokes solution is in agreement with the experimental data. The predictions of the inviscid method can be made to agree with the measurements if the geometrical data used for the computations are modified to represent the presence of the large separated region observed experimentally.
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