Autor: Dita Wasthu Prasida, Maurita Rahma Susanti, Sawitry Sawitry
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Jurnal SMART Kebidanan. 3:61
ISSN: 2503-0388
DOI: 10.34310/sjkb.v3i1.53
Popis: Latar Belakang Pijat bayi oleh dukun ini diwariskan secara turun temurun tanpa penjelasan mengenai manfaat dan teori ilmiah serta dilakukan atas dasar kepercayaan serta pengalaman bahwa persepsi masyarakat pemijatan dapat menyembuhkan beragam penyakit serta membuat bayi menjadi tidak rewel lagi. Sebab sifat orang tradisional yakni bahwa pijat merupakan cara pengobatan yang ampuh, apalagi jika dilakukan oleh dukun bayi. Tujuan Mengeksplorasi persepsi ibu tentang pijat bayi yang dilakukan oleh dukun bayi. Metode Jenis penelitian Kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, data diperoleh dengan cara wawancara kepada ibu 4 orang ibu yang memiliki bayi usia 0-12 bulan dan tinggal di Kelurahan Susukan Kecamatan Ungaran Timur RW1. Hasil persepsi ibu tentang pijat bayi hasilnya baik, mereka tahu manfaat pijat bayi, syarat pijat bayi dan bagaimana pemijatan bayi dilakukan dari kepala sampai kaki oleh dukun. Saran penulis berharap agar orang tua melakukan pijat bayi sendiri secara rutin, pada saat pagi sebelum mandi dan malam sebelum tidur karena banyak sekali manfaatnyaKata Kunci : Persepsi Ibu; Pijat bayi; dukun bayi MOTHERS’ PERCEPTION ABOUT BABY MASSAGE BY TRADITIONAL BABY ATTENDANT IN RW 1 SUSUKAN VILLAGE UNGARAN TIMUR ABSTRACTIntroduction Background: Baby massage did by traditional baby attendants who passed down from generation to generation without any explanation of benefits and scientific theory and hold on trust and experience that the baby massage can cure disease and make the baby quiet. Mothers usually massaging the baby when the baby is fussy and have trouble sleeping , massaging her baby once a month and the mother said the baby frequently during sleep soundly after a massage. Purpose: The purpose is to explore mothers’perception about baby massage by traditional baby attendant. Method: This reasearch used qualitative method with the phenomenology approach. The data was obtained from complete interviews. The participants were 4 mothers with their 0-12 months babies, who lived in RW 1 Susukan Village Ungaran Timur, that willing as respondents. Result: The participant and the triangulation about the baby massage was good. The participants and triangulation knew the benefit, term, and purpose of the baby massage, even thought it wasn’t completely known. The traditional baby attendants did the massage differently from the theory. They did the massage from the head to the feet, while the theory said the massage should be done from the feet to the head. Suggestion: The writer wished that this research can be used as an advice for the parents, so they will do the baby massage once in the morning before take a bath and once in the night before the bed time and motivated to do the baby massage regularly because of the good benefits. Keywords : mothers’ perception; baby massage; traditional baby attendant
Databáze: OpenAIRE