Determination of serum ferritin by a one-step immunoenzymoassay, and comparison of four liver-ferritin standards

Autor: J Pichot, A Mailliavin, L Monnet, J Goudable, A Beaudonnet, M C Revenant
Rok vydání: 1985
Zdroj: Clinical Chemistry. 31:640-642
ISSN: 1530-8561
Popis: We describe a one step "sandwich"-type immunoenzymoassay for ferritin in human serum. The solid-phase consists of glutaraldehyde-treated polypropylene tubes coated with rabbit antibody to human ferritin. Liver ferritin is the standard. Peroxidase-conjugated antiserum to ferritin and a sensitive chromogen, o-phenylenediamine, are used. The assay requires 90 min. The standard curve is linear up to 400 micrograms of ferritin per liter of serum. Within- and between-run CVs are less than 6% for low, high, and medium concentrations and are about 13.0% at the decision level for iron deficiency. Results by a two-step "sandwich" procedure (New England Immunology Associates kit) correlated well, r = 0.98. We assessed four liver ferritin standards from different manufacturers with the described method. The mean absorbance for the 40 micrograms/L ferritin standard was 1.5 for that from Diagnostics Biochem and National Institute for Biological Standards and Controls, 1.0 for that from Dako, and 0.4 for that from Sigma. Consequently, to standardize results, all liver ferritin standards should be calibrated vs the National Institute for Biological Standards and Controls reference standard.
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