Interactions Of Liposomes And Ige. Immunoassay And Fluorescence Study

Autor: Zygmunt H. Zawada
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions ISBN: 9789401059190
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-4479-7_174
Popis: Liposomes are removed from circulation by normal methabolism of phospholipids on one hand, and on the other — as cell-similar structures are the subject of the immunological response especially when they are carriers of protein or petyde anti-genes [1]. Encapsulation of proteins or peptydes must be correlated with their partial exhposition on the external surface of a liposome [2]. Additionally, some domains of the immunoglobulines show significant similarity of sequences to the voltage-gated sodium channels [3]. This suggests that hydrophobic interaction of immuboglobines with the liposomes surface. The aim of the work was to study non-covalent bonds of the immonoglobulin E with the liposome surface and to evaluate the immunological activity of the surface-bound IgE.
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