Autor: Oddvar Hanssen, Terje Nøst, John O. Solem, Kaare Aagaard
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Hydrobiologia. 348:81-94
ISSN: 0018-8158
Popis: The species composition of aquatic insects in theboreal stream, Skiftesaa, was investigated usingemergence traps, Malaise traps and kick samples. Atleast 13 Ephemeroptera, 16 Plecoptera, 25 Trichopteraand 120 Chironomidae species were recorded. This faunais representative for non-polluted, northern streams.The production of macrobenthos was estimated to beonly about 1 g dry weight per year and m2,possibly due to the fluctuating flow of water.
Databáze: OpenAIRE