MgiiAbsorption Systems in Sloan Digital Sky Survey QSO Spectra

Autor: D. A. Turnshek, D. B. Nestor, Sandhya M. Rao
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: The Astrophysical Journal. 628:637-654
ISSN: 1538-4357
Popis: We present the results of a MgII absorption-line survey using QSO spectra from the SDSS EDR. Over 1,300 doublets with rest equivalent widths greater than 0.3\AA and redshifts $0.366 \le z \le 2.269$ were identified and measured. We find that the $\lambda2796$ rest equivalent width ($W_0^{\lambda2796}$) distribution is described very well by an exponential function $\partial N/\partial W_0^{\lambda2796} = \frac{N^*}{W^*} e^{-\frac{W_0}{W^*}}$, with $N^*=1.187\pm0.052$ and $W^*=0.702\pm0.017$\AA. Previously reported power law fits drastically over-predict the number of strong lines. Extrapolating our exponential fit under-predicts the number of $W_0 \le 0.3$\AA systems, indicating a transition in $dN/dW_0$ near $W_0 \simeq 0.3$\AA. A combination of two exponentials reproduces the observed distribution well, suggesting that MgII absorbers are the superposition of at least two physically distinct populations of absorbing clouds. We also derive a new redshift parameterization for the number density of $W_0^{\lambda2796} \ge 0.3$\AA lines: $N^*=1.001\pm0.132(1+z)^{0.226\pm0.170}$ and $W^*=0.443\pm0.032(1+z)^{0.634\pm 0.097}$\AA. We find that the distribution steepens with decreasing redshift, with $W^*$ decreasing from $0.80\pm0.04$\AA at $z=1.6$ to $0.59\pm0.02$\AA at $z=0.7$. The incidence of moderately strong MgII $\lambda2796$ lines does not show evidence for evolution with redshift. However, lines stronger than $\approx 2$\AA show a decrease relative to the no-evolution prediction with decreasing redshift for $z \lesssim 1$. The evolution is stronger for increasingly stronger lines. Since $W_0$ in saturated absorption lines is an indicator of the velocity spread of the absorbing clouds, we interpret this as an evolution in the kinematic properties of galaxies from moderate to low z.
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