Can positive emotions promote individual-level pandemic prevention behaviors?

Autor: Doell, Kimberly, Lagomarsino, Maria, Brosch, Tobias, Spampatti, Tobia
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: The aim of this experiment is to induce specific positive emotions (i.e. pride and gratitude) in order to promote compliance with covid-19 prevention actions (CPAs). CPAs include 1. implementing social distancing, 2. increasing self-isolation, and 3. engaging in proper handwashing. With our study we want to show how different emotions can help people to comply with recommendations to prevent the rapid spread of COVID-19, namely engaging in the CPAs. The emotions we have chosen, specifically gratitude and pride, are both associated with the motivation to act, but differ in the source that elicits the emotion (Tangney, Stuewig, & Mashek, 2007). Gratitude is elicited by a favorable assessment of external sources, while (achievement) pride is attributable to oneself. These two perspectives reflect the possible motivation to comply with CPAs. These behaviors can be seen as a gesture of self-preservation or as actions to help others and society as a whole. We hypothesize, then, that both positive emotions influence individual’s compliance with CPAs, but through different mechanisms. In addition, we would like to indicate potential boundary conditions to suggest when to favour one or the other emotion. Finally, compared to many other studies on the subject, we do not only measure the intention to perform these actions, but we observe real behaviors over several days by utilizing an experience sampling methodology. By measuring the degree of congruence between intentions and behaviors, we may therefore also be able to endorse (or refute) the use of these intention-based analyses. Together, our study, aims to determine effective strategies that policy makers and governments, among others, can use to cope with the crisis by motivating people to make their contribution.
Databáze: OpenAIRE