First finding of a terrace with preserved marine deposit along the coast of Eastern Liguria (Italy)

Autor: Paolo Roberto Federici, Marta Pappalardo
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Rendiconti Lincei. 12:69-82
ISSN: 1720-0776
Popis: Remnants of a loose coarse deposit were found on a rock terrace 28 m above the present day sea level, along the coast of Eastern Liguria. A general geomorphological analysis of the site was carried out. The deposit sedimentological characteristics were detailed and a morphometric analysis of the coarse fraction was carried out. This enabled us to infer the marine genesis of the deposit; it is the first time that a Quaternary marine deposit is found along the coast of Eastern Liguria. Details regarding the nature of the deep weathering processes (in particular oxidation and decarbonatation) that affected it were collected by means of thin section. The age of an old sea level can be inferred, due to the absence of absolute dating, only relating it to similar surfaces present throughout the coastline of the region and linking them to the sea level curves obtained from oxygen isotope records. On the basis of the collected data we propose the chronological attribution of the studied terrace to theδ18O stage 11, considering that the area might have been affected by tectonic uplift.
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