A Study of the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) E-Waste Recycling Process

Autor: S Selvakumar, Sarma Adithe, J. Samson Isaac, Raghuram Pradhan, V. Venkatesh, null Sampath B.
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Sustainable Approaches and Strategies for E-Waste Management and Utilization ISBN: 9781668475737
Popis: One of the waste sources that is growing the quickest globally is electronic garbage. Metal deoxidation and the loss of carbon in the gaseous fraction were inhibited by inert atmospheres. The composition, hazardous and toxic components of various e-wastes are explained. The concentration of precious metals in printed circuit boards (PCBs) makes them a significant source of metals. The metallic phases were discovered to include notable concentrations of Ag, Au, Pd, and Pt. In very small amounts, precious metals were found in the carbons and oxides of non-metallic fraction. Copper-based alloys and carbon resources were successfully recovered through high-temperature pyrolysis. Additionally, this method reduced the amount of material that needed to be managed and processed further. Recycling e-waste should improve metal recovery, preserve natural resources, and offer a solution that is environmentally sustainable.
Databáze: OpenAIRE