Coefficients of thermal expansion of unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites using unit-cell model

Autor: V.P. Singh, J.P. Dwivedi, P.C. Upadhyay
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Composite Materials. 53:1425-1436
ISSN: 1530-793X
Popis: Coefficients of thermal expansion of some uniaxially fiber-reinforced composites have been evaluated using three-phase unit-cell model. Results have been compared with the values predicted by two other models based on composite cylinders assembly (CCA), and also with some earlier reported experimental values. An extension of the two-phase unit-cell model has also been presented for the evaluation of thermal expansion coefficients of three-phase composites. The formulation has been used to evaluate the overall coefficients of thermal expansion of AS-graphite/epoxy system with a low modulus coating on the fibers. The results have been compared with the results obtained from the Sutcu's recursive concentric cylinders model for composites containing coated fibers. From the comparison of results of the unit-cell models (both, two-phase and three-phase) with the results obtained from some other models available in the literature, it is concluded that the overall thermal properties of fiber-reinforced composites evaluated by the unit-cell model can be used as effectively as by any other model.
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