Disparate roles forC. elegansDNA translocase paralogs RAD-54.L and RAD-54.B in meiotic prophase germ cells

Autor: Kei Yamaya, Bin Wang, Nadin Memar, Arome Solomon Odiba, Alexander Woglar, Anton Gartner, Anne M. Villeneuve
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: RAD54 family DNA translocases partner with RAD51 recombinases to ensure stable genome inheritance, exhibiting biochemical activities both in promoting recombinase removal and in stabilizing recombinase association with DNA. Understanding how such disparate activities of RAD54 paralogs align with their biological roles is an ongoing challenge. Here we investigate thein vivofunctions ofC. elegansRAD54 paralogs RAD-54.L and RAD-54.B during meiotic prophase, revealing distinct contributions to the dynamics of RAD-51 association with DNA and to the progression of meiotic double-strand break repair (DSBR). While RAD-54.L is essential for RAD-51 removal from meiotic DSBR sites to enable recombination progression, RAD-54.B is largely dispensable for meiotic DSBR. However, RAD-54.B is required to prevent hyperaccumulation of RAD-51 on unbroken DNA during a key meiotic sub-stage when protein kinase CHK-2 is active. Moreover, DSB-independent hyperaccumulation of RAD-51 foci in the absence of RAD-54.B is RAD-54.L-dependent, revealing a hidden activity of RAD-54.L in promoting promiscuous RAD-51 association that is antagonized by RAD-54.B. We propose a model wherein a division of labor among RAD-54 paralogs allows germ cells to ramp up their capacity for efficient homologous recombination that is crucial to successful meiosis while counteracting potentially deleterious effects of unproductive RAD-51 association with unbroken DNA.
Databáze: OpenAIRE