Atsolorra, euskal jaiotza-erritua. Ereñotzun jasotako testigantzak

Autor: Idurre Lekuona Antzizar
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Uztaro. Giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria. :5-26
ISSN: 1130-5738
DOI: 10.26876/uztaro.109.2019.1
Popis: EnglishAtsolorra is a ritual related to the birth of a new baby that was once common practic in the Basque Country, although it has now fallen into (almost total) disuse throughout the entire region. Various efforts are nevertheless underway to recover it in some towns. Atsolorra is the name given to the visit made by local women on Sunday afternoon to the farmhouse of the newborn baby’s family. The visiting party was almost always made up exclusively of women, and would usually bring a small gift to help the family. In turn, the family would show its appreciation by offering the visitors a late tea-early supper. The inhabitants of Erenotzu, a small neighbourhood within the municipality of Hernani, have succeeded in recovering the practice of atsolorra. Consequently, a research study was conducted between 2015 and 2016 in the neighbourhood with the aim of gaining a more in-depth understanding of this custom. The present paper presents the information gathered from both documentary sources and the fieldwork carried out. In addition to atsolorra, the paper also analyses other rituals linked to the birth of a new baby, women and their socialisation, social communication and the rural world. euskaraAtsolorra garai batean Euskal Herrian egiten zen jaiotz-erritua da. Urteen poderioz atsolorra (ia) galdu egin da bazter guztietan. Egun zenbait herritan erritu hori berreskuratzeko ahaleginetan dabiltza. Atsolorra esaten zitzaion haurra jaiotako baserrira igande arratsaldean auzoko emakumeek egiten zuten bisitari. Gehienetan emakumeak besterik ez ziren joaten eta laguntza txiki bat eramaten zuten. Etxekoek esker onez afari-merienda ematen zieten bisitariei. Hernaniko Erenotzu entitate txikian atsolorra berreskuratu dute. Horretarako, besteak beste, ikerketa-lan txiki bat egin zen 2015. eta 2016. urteetan auzoan, atsolorraren nondik norakoak hobeto ezagutzeko. Horretarako dokumentazio-lana eta landa-lana egin ziren eta bi iturri horietatik jasotako informazioarekin osatua da artikulu hau. Atsolorraz gain, jaiotzaren inguruko bestelako igarobide-errituez, emakumeez eta horien sozializazioaz, gizarte komunitarioaz eta nekaritza-munduaz ere hitz egingo dugu artikulu honetan.
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