Characterization of liquids with Lamb waves using P(VDF-TrFE): the influence of temperature

Autor: Ph Benech, Norbert Noury, L. Scandelari, E. Chamberod
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Measurement Science and Technology. 13:631-637
ISSN: 1361-6501
Popis: a0 mode Lamb waves are generated in a non-piezoelectric plate by mode conversion using P(VDF-TrFE) transducers upon which single-phase comb electrodes are etched. The determination of the propagation equations of the waves according to the device parameters (input voltage, number of comb fingers, plate thickness, ...) allows the influence of the density of a liquid in contact with the plate on the parameters of the propagated waves to be modelled. The model was experimentally validated and followed by a study of the behaviour of the device versus temperature.
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