Détresse respiratoire aiguë médicamenteuse : pneumopathie et bronchiolite oblitérante secondaire à la prise d'amiodarone

Autor: G. Demingeon, L. Holzapfel, I. Moullet, B. Piralla, P. Beynel
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Réanimation Urgences. 6:471-474
ISSN: 1164-6756
Popis: Summary A pneumonia may complicate a treatment with amiodarone, usually a few months after starting the therapy and when the daily dose is higher than 200mg. The clinical signs are mainly represented by dyspnea, sometimes associated with fever, wich can simulate an infectious pneumonia. We report the case of a 60 year-old patient who developped an amiodarone-induced pneumopathy, unusual because of the rapidity of its evolution and its severity, despite a moderate dialy dose (100mg/j). This observation clearly show how difficult it is to assert the diagnosis since the analysis of the bronchoalveolar lavage and histological samples do not give any specific element. Lesions of bronchiolitis obliterans observed in our patient have been one of the elements of the diagnosis.
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