Memory Compression Techniques for Network Address Management in MPI

Autor: Ken Raffenetti, Pavan Balaji, Michael A. Blocksome, Wesley Bland, Scott Parker, Charles J. Archer, Yanfei Guo
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: IPDPS
Popis: MPI allows applications to treat processes as a logical collection of integer ranks for each MPI communicator, while internally translating these logical ranks into actual network addresses. In current MPI implementations the management and lookup of such network addresses use memory sizes that are proportional to the number of processes in each communicator. In this paper, we propose a new mechanism, called AV-Rankmap, for managing such translation. AV-Rankmap takes advantage of logical patterns in rank-address mapping that most applications naturally tend to have, and it exploits the fact that some parts of network address structures are naturally more performance critical than others. It uses this information to compress the memory used for network address management. We demonstrate that AV-Rankmap can achieve performance similar to or better than that of other MPI implementations while using significantly less memory.
Databáze: OpenAIRE