Compression For Picture Archiving And Communication In Radiology

Autor: G. J. Blaine, R G Jost, J.G. Dunham, R. L. Hill, D. L. Snyder
Rok vydání: 1983
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
Popis: Compression of digitized radiology images in a Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS) environment can reduce archival storage requirements as well as transmission rate constraints. Often data compression systems are designed for a communication system environment where the encoder must operate in real-time and have a limited complexity while the decoder may be more complex and operate off-line. A PACS network typically has different requirements. We present an overview of the current image compression literature relevant to a PACS environment. We consider both noiseless source-coding which requires perfect reproduction of the image, and source-coding subject to a fidelity criterion which allows some distortion in the reconstructed image. The importance of time-complexity versus compression tradeoffs is discussed.
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