Prevention and Cure of Rickets in Rats and Antirachitic Activation of Ergosterol by Cold Quartz Mercury Lamp

Autor: Harry Goldblatt
Rok vydání: 1932
Zdroj: Experimental Biology and Medicine. 30:380-383
ISSN: 1535-3699
DOI: 10.3181/00379727-30-6492
Popis: ConclusionsIt has been shown that the radiations from the cold quartz mercury lamp are powerfully antirachitic. Direct irradiation for 3 seconds daily at a distance of 5 inches from the burner prevented the development of rickets in rats fed on a rickets-producing diet. Direct irradiation for 10 seconds daily for 2 weeks. at a distance of 5 inches from the burner, brought about complete healing of rickets in severely rachitic rats. Advanced healing occurred in one week in rats irradiated daily for 45 seconds or longer. Under the conditions mentioned in the text, exposure of ergosterol dissolved in olive oil to the radiations from a cold quartz mercury lamp for 1, 5, 10, 20, and 30 minutes at a distance of 5 inches from the burner resulted in the antirachitic activation of all of the solutions, of which 0.002mg. of irradiated ergosterol and 0.001 cc. of irradiated olive oil together prevented and cured rickets in rats. The minimum protective and curative doses were not determined.
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