Power-Efficient Reversible Logic Design of S-Box for N-Bit AES

Autor: Rohini Hongal, Rohit Kolhar, Rajashekar B. Shettar
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Intelligent Computing and Communication ISBN: 9789811510830
Popis: S-Box is the main core of AES. The S-Box provides confusion capability for AES. The S-Box used in standard AES is static throughout the encryption process. But nowadays, cyberattacks are continuously developing and power attack is one among them. The main aim of this work is to provide higher security for several applications over the Internet by enhancing the overall strength of the existing Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm (AES). Paper explores the usage of new logic family called reversible logic gates as a part of quantum technology to mitigate power attacks. As S-Box involves heavy mathematical calculations, it dissipates more power which may lead to power attacks. To improve the security of the conventional AES, reversible logic is used to build S-Box, as reversible gates offer ideally zero internal power dissipation. This work discusses the implementation details of S-Box using reversible logic and does the performance analysis w.r.t hardware requirements and power.
Databáze: OpenAIRE