Pyloric Stenosis due to Sulphuric Acid

Autor: R. Stewart-Harrison
Rok vydání: 1934
Zdroj: The British Journal of Radiology. 7:48-48
ISSN: 1748-880X
Popis: H. F., aet 19 (fem.), was admitted to the medical ward under the care of Prof. Naegeli, one hour after having taken 20 of 40 per cent sulphuric acid. Emergency treatment was given and a permanent stomach tube passed. The patient made a good, immediate recovery. The radiological examination of the gullet, ten days later, showed no organic changes and the stomach tube was removed. She had then no appreciable difficulty in swallowing but complained of pain in stomach after food. The radiological examination of the stomach fifteen days after the original insult showed extensive changes in the prepyloric region (Fig. 1). The mucosa configuration of the œsophagus was normal. The stomach symptoms became worse and a fortnight later offered the picture of a complete pyloric stenosis. The radiological examination (Fig. 2) showed a complete stenosis. The following day the gastroenterostomy was performed (P. D. Dr. Winterstein). The subsequent course has been entirely satisfactory. The interest of the case lies ...
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