Lateral Extensile Approach for ORIF

Autor: Adam Cota, Timothy G. Weber
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Fractures and Dislocations of the Talus and Calcaneus ISBN: 9783030373627
Popis: The lateral extensile approach as described and popularized by Benirschke [1, 2] provides access to the entire lateral aspect of the calcaneus with direct visualization of the tuberosity, subtalar joint, posterior facet fragments, lateral wall blowout, fracture extension into the anterior process, and the calcaneocuboid joint. While this approach allows for the direct reduction of the posterior facet fragments, the reduction of the tuberosity to the sustentaculum tali on the medial side needs to be performed indirectly [1–3].
Databáze: OpenAIRE