Extended superconformal algebra as symmetry of super Toda field theory

Autor: Hiroshi Nohara
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Annals of Physics. 214:1-52
ISSN: 0003-4916
Popis: The extended superconformal algebra is studied extensively based on the super Toda field theory. At the classical level, it is realized as the Poisson bracket structure in the superdifferential operator which we call the super Miura transformation and the generators can be interpreted as the conserved currents of the integrable super Toda field theory associated with the particular class of Lie superalgebra. The quantization is performed by free field regularization and the superfield of the Toda field theory embodies the Coulomb gas representation. The unitary representations are obtained using the supercoset construction in the cases of simply laced Lie superalgebras.
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