Retinal Microaneursym Detection using Maximally Stable External Region Algorithm

Autor: Diana Tri Susetianingtias, Sarifuddin Madenda, Rodiah, Dewi Agushinta Rahayu
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology. 6:644
ISSN: 2460-6952
DOI: 10.18517/ijaseit.6.5.883
Popis: The growth of diabetics’ worldwide increased drastically. Diabetic can cause blindness due to retinopathy diabetic. Often the patients of retinopathy diabetic do not experience the sign and the symptoms at early stage of their symptoms, even in the severe stages where the bleeding start to occur. One indicator of patients that has diabetic retinopathy can be seen from the blood vessel that experienced microaneurysm and hemorrhage due to a swelling blood vessels in the retina. The study in this paper will implement the Maximally Stable External Region (MSER) algorithm to detect microaneursym. Microaneursym is one of the main indicators that causes retinopathy diabetic. This study uses HRF dataset. The results are expected to improve the accuracy microaneursym detection.
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