Polyelectrolyte layer-by- layer spin assembly of aqueous CdTe quantum dot multilayered thin films

Autor: B. Jai Kumar, D. Sumanth Kumar, H.M. Mahesh
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 735:2558-2566
ISSN: 0925-8388
Popis: A polyelectrolyte layer-by-layer spin assembly (PLSA) method has been developed to fabricate thin films of MPA stabilized aqueous CdTe QDs. The synthesized aqueous QDs exhibit highly negative charges on the surface facilitate the electrostatic attraction with positively charged PDDA on glass plates. The conjugation of rapid processing of spin coating method renders highly homogeneous films with controlled thickness and drastically narrows processing time to about 60 s compared to the conventional 10–30 min in LbL dipping process. The XRD analysis confirms fabricated films contain CdTe QDs with cubic zincblende structure. Photoluminescence emission studies show that the fabricated films are highly luminescent in visible region with good photoluminescence quantum yield up to 51%. Hence, the proposed deposition protocol is highly reliable and produces high quality repeatable films of QDs which find vast applications in the field photovoltaic cells, LEDs, biosensors, narrow emission lasers and optical filters.
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