Some New Points of View Concerning the Mode of Action of Biological Alkylating Agents

Autor: I. P. Horváth, L. Institóris
Rok vydání: 1966
Zdroj: Molekulare Biologie des Malignen Wachstums ISBN: 9783540034810
Popis: On basis of our experimental observations we would like to suggest some points of view concerning the mode of action of dibromomannitol and dibromodulcitol which represent a new type of the myelotropic alkylating agents. We found that in vivo they are more stable than other biological alkylating agents. Half of the compound decomposes in four to six hours, and organic bromine compounds were found as the main metabolites. Therefore, it is difficult to explain their cytostatic effects merely by their alkylating action.
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